APA Citation

Consistent order, structure and formatting of a paper allows readers to focus on the content rather than the presentation.

To format a paper in APA style, authors can usually use the default settings and automatic formatting tools of their word processor or make only minor adjustments.

The APA 6th ed. (not! 7th ed.) guidelines for formatting papers apply to articles submitted for publication in this journal.

APA Style Sixth Edition Resources

Here is a basic guide to some common reference types according to APA style 6th edition:

Book: Surname, initial(s). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.
Example: Müller, J. (2010). Understanding APA. Penguin Books.

Article in a scientific journal: Surname, initial(s). (Year). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number(issue number), pages.
Example: Schmidt, H. (2013). Exploring APA citation. Journal of Citation Studies, 7(2), 34-56.

Website: Surname, initial(s). (Year). Title of document. URL
Example: Meier, K. (2018). Guidelines for APA citations. http://www.zitationsguides.de/aparichtlinien

Please note that the information may vary depending on the specific source (e.g. books with multiple authors, articles without author attribution, electronic sources, etc.). In such cases, you should consult the APA guidelines in more detail.

If you are unsure, download this Word template from Microsoft Word: https://templates.office.com/de-de/bericht-im-apa-format-6-ausgabe-tm03982351

If you are unsure, see the download section for further details.
