International Journal of Psychology and Strategic Communication

The journal is dedicated to the discussion of strategies and concepts for change, innovation and transformation. It offers planning and decision-making aids and focuses on the management and design of change processes. The possibilities and limits of strategic planning and strategic communication are critically reflected and illuminated. This is done against the background of corporate, economic and environmental policy, demographic and geopolitical challenges. The textbook is intended as a forum for the exchange of current positions among academics, politicians, business people and diplomats.

The following topics will be brought together in the contributions:
➣ Strategic governance, change and contingency.
➣ Tasks of strategic corporate policy
➣ Change management in society and politics
➣ Role of actors, stakeholders, interest groups and media
➣ Opportunities and risks of innovations and changes
➣ Sustainable management and sustainable development
➣ The future of the European Community, the USA and the Asian region.

The starting point for consideration is the analysis, planning, management and control of change, innovation and transformation processes. The ability to plan and control future-oriented processes is discussed. Current development is characterised by complexity, dynamics and discontinuity. Dealing with uncertainty is critically reflected upon, while at the same time ways are shown to remain capable of decision-making and action.

With regard to the design and implementation of successful future policies, the textbook examines the role of stakeholders and interest groups. It reflects on the tension between tradition and progress in modernisation processes and raises awareness of the effects of “political” decisions as well as their consequences and social burdens. It discusses the role of impulse-giving actors, involved stakeholders and the media as well as the possibilities for promoting acceptance in the implementation of change processes.

The journal wants to encourage people to actively deal with and tackle changes in companies, organisations, the economy, politics and society. At the same time, networks for common future tasks are to be initiated and research and consulting projects, conferences and seminars are to be initiated.

ISSN: 2941-5691 (Online)

ISSN: 2941-5705 (Print)

doi: 10.61030

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Issue 1/23

Date published

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This Month’s Highlights

Personal Branding and Entrepreneurship

Increasing globalisation and the lowering threshold for start-ups due to the internet, Innovations are leading to strong competition in entrepreneurship. For this it is of great importance for entrepreneurs to differentiate themselves and their companies from the market environment in order to be successful in the long term. This differentiation is possible through the development of a strong personality brand. This paper therefore aims to answer the question of how this brand building can be done for entrepreneurs so that they are successful in the long term. Above all, it will be examined which success factors are decisive for personal branding in entrepreneurship.

Your Topic

We are pleased to invite you to submit your work for our upcoming issue of the “International Journal of Psychology and Strategic Communication”! Your paper will be published in German and English at the same time. Our journal is looking for original, unpublished research that brings new insights and knowledge to various scientific disciplines. We welcome contributions from all disciplines, from the humanities to the social sciences.

We look forward to hearing from you! Send your papers to:

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Persuasive communication through social media

In this scientific work, important basics of communication science are explained for the topic of persuasive communication, social media are dealt with and an exemplary demonstration of persuasion is shown.

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