International Journal of Psychology and Strategic Communication

The journal is dedicated to the discussion of strategies and concepts for change, innovation and transformation. It offers planning and decision-making aids and focuses on the management and design of change processes. The possibilities and limits of strategic planning and strategic communication are critically reflected and illuminated. This is done against the background of corporate, economic and environmental policy, demographic and geopolitical challenges. The textbook is intended as a forum for the exchange of current positions among academics, politicians, business people and diplomats.

The following topics will be brought together in the contributions:
➣ Strategic governance, change and contingency
➣ Tasks of strategic corporate policy
➣ Change management in society and politics
➣ Role of actors, stakeholders, interest groups and media
➣ Opportunities and risks of innovations and changes
➣ Sustainable management and sustainable development
➣ The future of the European Community, the USA and the Asian region.

The starting point for consideration is the analysis, planning, management and control of change, innovation and transformation processes. The ability to plan and control future-oriented processes is discussed. Current development is characterised by complexity, dynamics and discontinuity. Dealing with uncertainty is critically reflected upon, while at the same time ways are shown to remain capable of decision-making and action.

With regard to the design and implementation of successful future policies, the textbook examines the role of stakeholders and interest groups. It reflects on the tension between tradition and progress in modernisation processes and raises awareness of the effects of “political” decisions as well as their consequences and social burdens. It discusses the role of impulse-giving actors, involved stakeholders and the media as well as the possibilities for promoting acceptance in the implementation of change processes.

The journal wants to encourage people to actively deal with and tackle changes in companies, organisations, the economy, politics and society. At the same time, networks for common future tasks are to be initiated and research and consulting projects, conferences and seminars are to be initiated.

ISSN: 2941-5691 (Online)

ISSN: 2941-5705 (Print)

doi: 10.61030

Current Issue Volume 01

Viktoriia Patlakha
Improving the corporate management using the Lean concept: integration and optimization of business processes[PDF]
Oleksandr Zhornyk
The role of organizational culture in forming the development strategy of the enterprise[PDF]
Volodymyr Timar
Use of matrix methods of analysis of strategic alternatives by entities of the hotel business[PDF]
Veronika Afanasieva
Features of lean six sigma[PDF]
Oleksandr Panaiet
Tools for anti-crisis regulation of the economy in Ukraine under martial law[PDF]
Vladyslav Stoianov
Macroeconomic approach to the real estate market[PDF]
Artem Kolosov
Analysis of the interaction between macroeconomic factors and the real estate market in the context of Ukrainian economic development[PDF]
Anna Pavliuk
The role of digitalization in modern society[PDF]
Valeriia Vorobiova
The impact of digital transformation on international business[PDF]
Tatiana Shvedenko
Ukrainian banking system overview: current state and development prospects[PDF]

Ukraine Digital – Supporting Higher Education in Times of Crisis

As part of the DAAD-funded program “Ukraine digital: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis,” Mittweida University of Applied Sciences has partnered with the National University of Economics in Odessa (ONEU) and the National Oles Honchar University in Dnipro (DNU) to support Ukrainian universities in implementing and sustaining digital educational offerings.

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has severely affected the higher education system, with many university buildings damaged or destroyed and numerous faculty members and students forced to leave the country. Despite these challenges, Ukrainian universities have begun to leverage digital teaching methods to provide their students with continuous education.

The “Ukraine digital” initiative focuses on two main objectives: firstly, the transfer of educational materials across 27 disciplines to partner universities to address existing gaps in the education system; and secondly, the enhancement of digital competencies through the application of modern e-learning platforms and methods. Additionally, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences offers financial support through scholarships for Ukrainian students, both those who remain in the country and those who come to Germany.

In the coming years, the project will continue to expand upon established measures and develop further initiatives that cater to the needs of students and universities in Ukraine. The overarching goal is to sustainably improve digital education and establish stable partnerships to strengthen the academic landscape in Ukraine.

For more information, please contact Hochschule Mittweida or visit our website Ukraine digital: Studienerfolg in Krisenzeiten sichern – DAAD. Ukraine digital | HS Mittweida

Actual IJPSC Journals

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As an educator, there are few things more rewarding than witnessing students develop their academic potential, ask meaningful questions, and engage in research that contributes to solving real-world problems. At Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, we have always believed in the transformative power of education, and through the Ukraine-Digital project, we have had the opportunity to support students in their pursuit of knowledge and scientific discovery.
This initiative, generously funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), has enabled us to provide Ukrainian students with digital materials, research guidance, and specialized coursework, ensuring that they have the tools necessary to expand their learning despite challenges. The collaboration between Mittweida University and our Ukrainian partner universities – Odesa National Economic University (ONEU) and Dnipro National University (DNU) – has been built on a shared commitment to academic excellence, critical thinking, and innovation. This collection of research papers reflects the hard work and dedication of students who have engaged deeply with their fields of study, exploring topics that resonate far beyond their immediate academic environment. Their research is not only a testament to their intellectual curiosity but also a demonstration of how education can thrive, even in uncertain times.
We are deeply grateful to the DAAD for its support and to our partners at ONEU and DNU for their invaluable collaboration. We are proud to have contributed to this initiative and look forward to continued cooperation that supports students in their academic and professional journeys. I hope that this volume will serve as both an inspiration and a valuable resource for scholars, educators, and future researchers alike.

Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Serge Velesco

